Market Infrastructure

Now Euronext Lines Up the Poles

Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE), the largest exchange in Central and Eastern Europe, and Euronext, the would be pan European exchange, have signed a cross membership and cross access agreement in Warsaw, Poland for their cash and derivatives markets. The agreement

Euronext Snaffles the Portuguese

Euronext and BVLP Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa e Porto announce the creation of Euronext Lisbon, after their exchange offer was declared unconditional, and the closing of the merger today. This announcement follows The announcement on 28 January 2002 that

Canadian CMA Advises C$25 Payments Ceiling

Allan Cooper, head of the Canadian depository CDS, has endorsed the suggestion that a ceiling of C425 million be placed on payments for securities processed through the Automated Clearing Settlement Service (ACSS). In a letter to Pierre Roach, director of

Global Crossing: Not Dead Yet

Global Crossing announced that it has signed an agreement with NBC News Channel, a unit of National Broadcasting Company, Inc. (NBC), to transport daily video programming from the NBC News Channel Broadcast Center at the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake

Global STP Maven Kevin Milne Joins MacGregor

Former Omgeo managing director Kevin Milne has joined MacGregor, a privately held American company best known for furnishing fund managers with trade order routing and management systems. Milne joins the 300 strong company as executive vice president, with a brief