Outsourcing Middle- and Back-Office Functions: an assessment of perceived experience

Results of a recent survey conducted by SS&C and Global Custodian on evolving attitudes to middle- and back-office outsourcing in the funds industry suggest that once clients have reviewed their initial decision, they are more likely than not to look for opportunities to repeat the exercise with other internal functions.

Over 250 firms took part in the survey, of which 68% were from asset management firms, just over 20% from hedge funds and the remainder from other market participants including banks and institutional asset owners. Responses were roughly evenly split between UK- and US- based firms with a handful of other European participants.

We have produced an in-depth report, based on SS&C and Global Custodian’s considered analysis of the data, which is available to download for free. We will also be discussing the findings with a panel of esteemed subject matter experts on a webinar later this year.

To get your free copy of the report and to sign up for the webinar, please fill out the form below:

Outsourcing Middle- and Back-Office Functions: an assessment of perceived experience