Assets Of US ETFs Rose In June By $4.27 Billion

The combined assets of the nation's exchange traded funds (ETFs) were $242.66 billion in June, according to the Investment Company Institute. Assets of all exchange traded funds rose in June by $4.27 billion, or 1.8 percent, to $242.66 billion. Equity

By None

The combined assets of the nation’s exchange-traded funds (ETFs) were $242.66 billion in June, according to the Investment Company Institute.

Assets of all exchange-traded funds rose in June by $4.27 billion, or 1.8 percent, to $242.66 billion. Equity index ETF assets increased by $3.80 billion to $230.24 billion, while bond index ETF assets increased by $464 million to $12.42 billion. Assets of domestic equity ETFs increased by $1.39 billion, and international equity ETF assets increased by $2.41 billion.

During June, the value of all ETF shares issued exceeded that of shares redeemed by $665 million. Equity index ETFs experienced a positive net issuance of $224 million, while bond ETFs experienced a positive net issuance of $442 million.

The 119 ETFs that tracked domestic stock indexes in June held assets of $189.51 billion. Forty-six ETFs tracked international equity indexes and held assets of $40.73 billion. And six ETFs tracked bond indexes.

The Institute’s monthly statistical collection also includes the value of shares issued and redeemed by exchange-traded funds. Statistics contained in the Institute’s monthly ETF report have been obtained from information provided to ICI by exchange-traded funds. Trust-issued receipts, such as Holding Company Depository Receipts (HOLDRS), are not included in the report because they are not issued by registered investment companies.
