Thomson Reuters And TraderMade To Launch InterpreTA Commentary Service

Tradermade International Limited, the worldwide provider of market leading real time technical analysis and market commentary solutions, partners with Thomson Reuters to deliver the TMI InterpreTA FX commentary service via the Reuters Xtra 3000 Service. The InterpreTA service offers FX

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Tradermade International Limited, the worldwide provider of market leading real-time technical analysis and market commentary solutions, partners with Thomson Reuters to deliver the TMI InterpreTA FX commentary service via the Reuters Xtra 3000 Service.

The InterpreTA service offers FX market practitioners the leading and most regular intra-day updates on FX majors and emerging markets. TraderMades leading team of city analysts provide frequent and detailed content based upon TraderMades highly regarded, comprehensive and accurate FX data.

The InterpreTA service provides directional and target as well as entry and exit calls. Making the service available on the Xtra 3000 platform will complement Thomson Reuters existing product, adding detailed commentary, summaries and graded levels along with a fully annotated chart, says David Upton, Managing Director, TraderMade.

InterpreTA forms part of TraderMades pioneering technical analysis and commentary services and can also be delivered in real-time via our market leading TA charting platform Maverick.

