Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH) Infomediary has announced that SWIFT, the financial messaging cooperative, has officially accredited it as a ‘Solution Partner.’ BBH Infomediary joins a select number of industry suppliers officially recognized by SWIFT as providing end-to-end solutions to clients through consultancy, system integration and project management with proven SWIFT knowledge.
Taylor Bodman, Partner of BBH and head of BBH Infomediary commented, “We are delighted that Infomediary has been awarded the label of SWIFT Solution Partner. This accurately describes a major feature of Infomediary’s offering, namely the ability to integrate our customers’ operations with SWIFT and other networks. Internal and external data communications challenges represent a significant and growing pain point for financial services firms, and a real barrier to Straight Through Processing (STP). Infomediary clients leverage BBH’s deep subject matter expertise, practical experience, and infrastructure to save money and streamline communications.”
A winner of several industry awards for innovation in technology, Infomediary currently has 22 users based in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. The fastest growing uses are to achieve STP in Corporate Actions and Funds Order Messaging.