Ron Icke, former CEO of USG People N.V., which is one of the largest listed international staffing organisations in the world and includes Start People, Unique and Content, is to be proposed for appointment to the Supervisory Board of KAS BANK N.V.
The General Meeting of Shareholders of KAS BANK on 21 April 2010 will be asked to approve Mr. Ickes proposed appointment.
Icke started his career with PricewaterhouseCoopers N.V. He was appointed CFO of Wolters Schaberg B.V. in 1991 and was made director of Goudsmit N.V. in 1995. In 1997 he was appointed CFO of Unique International N.V., which changed its name to USG People N.V. in 2000. Icke was CEO of USG People from 2006. He is a member of the Supervisory Boards of Heijmans N.V., Kinderopvang Nederland B.V. and Gropeco B.V. and chairman of the Investment Committee of the Holland Fund Project. Icke is also chairman of Heijmans Audit Committee.The proposed appointment of Icke will fill the vacancy created by the departure of Mr. C. Griffioen, who served on KAS BANKs Supervisory Board for twelve years, the last ten of which as chairman of the banks Audit Committee. It is intended that Icke, given his financial knowledge and experience, should succeed Mr. Griffioen as chairman of this committee.
The Nederlandsche Bank has approved the proposed appointment. Mr. Icke has Dutch nationality and holds no KAS BANK shares.