July Futures And Options Trading Is Up 206 Percent

MEFF, BME's Derivatives business area, trading in July came in at 8.1 million contracts, up 206% from a year earlier. Highlights for the month include the performance of Stock Futures, with 5.2 million contracts and Stock Options, which grew by

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MEFF, BME’s Derivatives business area, trading in July came in at 8.1 million contracts, up 206% from a year earlier. Highlights for the month include the performance of Stock Futures, with 5.2 million contracts and Stock Options, which grew by 83% to 1.3 million contracts.

The number of contracts traded to the end of July totaled 48.7 million contracts, up 98% from a year earlier. It is worth mentioning the performance of Stock Futures, with 28.5 million contracts, up 252% from a year earlier and IBEX 35 Options, with 4.5 million contracts and a 50% increase compared to the same period in 2007.
