Handelsbanken Capital Markets Chooses Thomson ONE Institutional Research

Thomson Financial, an operating unit of The Thomson Corporation (NYSE TOC TSX TOC), and leading provider of information and technology solutions to the worldwide financial community, has signed a contract with Handelsbanken Capital Markets, the leading Nordic investment bank, to

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Thomson Financial, an operating unit of The Thomson Corporation (NYSE: TOC; TSX: TOC), and leading provider of information and technology solutions to the worldwide financial community, has signed a contract with Handelsbanken Capital Markets, the leading Nordic investment bank, to deploy Thomson ONE Institutional Research.

Thomson Financial will provide 28 users spread across Handelsbanken Capital Market’s team in the Nordic region, London and New York with access to Thomson ONE Institutional Research. Thomson Financial was awarded the two-year contract in a competitive pitch, replacing two incumbent providers.

Thomson ONE Institutional Research is a desktop solution that flexibly delivers the critical information and analysis tools research departments need via one complete and intuitive interface. It offers comprehensive market data, ownership, analytics, deals, and filings with many additional modules available by subscription. Thomson Financial’s integrated desktop solution allows research analysts to seamlessly explore and analyse all of the content they need to generate market leading ideas. In addition to cost-effectively replacing their existing market data and news services, it offers users a wide range of unique value added content and fully integrates Thomson Datastream, the world’s most comprehensive historical time series service.

“A key reason for our selection of Thomson ONE Institutional Research was because it was clearly designed by analysts for analysts,” says Johan Rydh, Head of Research Infrastructure, Handelsbanken Capital Markets. “It is the only solution on the market which is configured to reflect how our analysts work. We are confident that our research team will use Thomson ONE to help streamline their process to increase productivity.” “We are pleased that Handelsbanken Capital Markets, a leading investment bank, selected Thomson ONE Institutional Research for its complete research global requirements,” says David Bilbe, European Commercial Director, Thomson Financial. “The research community has long relied on Thomson Financial solutions. However, the integration and reconfiguration of these assets into Thomson ONE Institutional Research has raised the bar in terms of our ability to increase our clients performance”
