First Of March Now Highest FX Trading Day On Record

1 March 2007 saw total daily spot FX volumes from banks and non bank professional FX traders exceeding USD 268 billion in 135,818 deals across the ICAP owned EBS platform making it the highest volume day in market history. The

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1 March 2007 saw total daily spot FX volumes from banks and non-bank professional FX traders exceeding USD 268 billion in 135,818 deals across the ICAP-owned EBS platform making it the highest volume day in market history.

The busiest minute for trading activity on the EBS system was at 15:00 GMT (10:00 EST) when 1,361 spot FX deals were completed by 220 counterparties, to a value of USD 2.5 billion.

Trading activity was high across a range of currencies including the US dollar (USD), euro (EUR), yen (JPY) and swiss franc (CHF) currency pairs.

This makes the day the highest by volume activity on record.

The previous record was set earlier in the week on Tuesday 27 February when USD 266 billion changed hands in 132,338 deals on the EBS platform.
