Misys, the UK-based software company, has appointed Al-Noor Ramji, Chief Information Officer of BT Group, as a non-executive Director. He will join the Misys Board with effect from 1 February 2005.
Al-Noor Ramji joined BT in May 2004, as CIO with responsibility for developing and delivering a unified information technology strategy for the group. He also serves as Chief Executive Officer of BT Exact, BT’s research, technology and IT operations business. Prior to joining BT, he was Executive Vice President, CIO and Chief e-Commerce Officer at Qwest Communications, the US telecommunications group, where he rationalised the group’s IT strategy and infrastructure, supporting improved product development and customer service.
Before joining Qwest in 2001, Al-Noor Ramji was one of the best known figures in information technology in the City of London, having been Global CIO at Dresdner Kleinwort Benson from 1996, following a number of senior IT and business positions with Swiss Bank Corporation and Credit Suisse First Boston.
He was also founder and, from 1998-2001, Group CEO of WebTek Software, one of the most successful software houses in India.
Commenting on the appointment, Misys Executive Chairman, Kevin Lomax, said: ‘We are delighted to welcome Al-Noor to the Misys Board. He has enormous experience and expertise in both information technology and the banking industry. Misys is a major player in the global banking software market and Al-Noor’s experience will bring us a very valuable perspective.’
Al-Noor Ramji, aged 50, joins non-executive Directors Tony Alexander, Sir Dominic Cadbury, Ian Dyson, George Farr, Robert Ingram and Dr Jrgen Zech on the Misys Board.