Daniel Capocci has been named as a research associate with the Edhec Risk and Asset Management Research Centre.
He will be contributing regular papers on hedge fund strategies to the center’s web site, www.edhec-risk.com, and will also be lecturing in finance at EDHEC Business School.
Capocci, who works as a fund of funds manager with the Institutional & Fund Management division of Kredietrust Luxembourg, speaks and writes regularly on issues related to alternative investment. He has published several articles on hedge fund performance analysis in publications such as the Journal of Empirical Finance and the European Journal of Finance. His paper, “Neutrality of Market Neutral Funds” was awarded Best Doctoral Paper at the Global Finance Conference in Dublin in June 2005.
He is the author of “Introduction aux hedge funds” published by Economica in France in 2004 and has written chapters for books including “Hedge Funds: Insights in Performance Measurement, Risk Analysis, and Portfolio Allocation” and “Commodity Trading Advisors: Risk, Performance, Analysis and Selection”, both published by John Wiley and Sons in New York.