Daiwa Securities SMBC Europe Limited (Daiwa), a specialist underwriter and securities trading business, has selected Wirefast to provide a managed communications infrastructure for its worldwide securities trading confirmation systems. The Wirefast platform receives messages from the Daiwa securities dealers via their trading systems. These are then formatted and delivered to the counterparty by fax, confirming each individual trade. Where the delivery is immediately successful, a confirmation is sent back to the client complete with delivery details and time scales.
The implementation of the Wirefast solution is being carried out as a phased migration from their previous system across territories including the UK, continental Europe and the Far East, including Singapore and Japan.
“We need an infrastructure which can ensure redundancy and deliver a reliable service for these business critical communications. The Wirefast platform does just that, while also providing an excellent web portal where we can track message progress and diagnose any delivery problems in real-time.” says Garry Rogers, a senior systems engineer at Daiwa.
“Daiwa is an excellent example of an organisation with a core communications requirement that is ideally suited to the Wirefast messaging platform,” adds James Powell-Tuck, the CEO of Wirefast. “Wirefast provides a proven solution to improved workflow for businesses around the world and is the preferred choice for businesses who want to decrease their reliance on paper, reduce costs and improve efficiency.”