Credit Suisse Asset Management (CSAM)has opened an office in Amsterdam. Approval was received by the AFM (Autoriteit Financile Markten) in July 2004. The office will serve existing clients and aim to recruit new institutional clients in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg with leading products such as total return fixed income, currency alpha and overlay management, enhanced equity, hedge funds and commodities.
The institutional market in the Netherlands is well developed and mature, notes CSAM. The Dutch market is the second largest in Europe with around EUR 700 billion in assets under management. There are 92 industry-wide schemes and over 879 individual company schemes. “The combination of Credit Suisse Asset Management’s global expertise, its full product range across all asset classes including fixed income, equities, passive and enhanced management, and its local knowledge will give CSAM the breadth and depth needed to successfully compete in the Dutch marketplace,” says a CSAM spokesman.
“The increasingly important arena of alternative investments will be covered in close collaboration with Credit Suisse First Boston.”
The Amsterdam office will be headed by Jolanda de Groot. She has over nine years experience in the asset management sector and brings both retail and institutional experience. She was previously employed with Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch Asset Management.
“The Dutch market has always been important to CSAM,” says Ian Chimes, Co-Head of European Sales and Marketing. “With the increase in demand the time has come to open an office and increase our servicing and client activities in this important region. Jolanda will be able to draw on her broad knowledge of the Dutch institutional market and offer clients the full range of products and services available from our global organisation.”