BT Syntegra says that China Merchant Bank has bought it ITS.Netrix voice trading technology for its treasury trading centre in Shenzhen.
ITS.Netrix gives users the ability to manage all communication channels through a single device – including voice, video, instant messaging, email and web communications. The device aims to increase traders’ and sales people’s ability to track information, as well as manage communications and client relations more effectively.
China Merchant Bank will use 46 ITS.Netrix positions at its treasury trading centre in Shenzhen, Guangdong province. The new technology is expected to go-live in November 2004 across the bank’s money markets, foreign exchange and fixed income desks.
The chief dealer of China Merchant Bank said: “From 2006 the Chinese financial markets will be open to competition from foreign lenders and we wanted to ensure we are in a strong position and equipped with the latest technology, when this happens. We investigated all the options for the treasury centre and for us BT Syntegra was the clear winner. We were particularly impressed by their outstanding customer service. In addition, the functionality, flexibility and vision of BT Syntegra’s technology will future-proof our critical trading activity. In the time-pressurised environment of the trading floor, ITS.Netrix will help our traders and sales teams interact more effectively with customers, colleagues and trading partners, helping to deliver improved service to clients as well as significant productivity gains.”
The ITS.Netrix devices at China Merchant Bank will be driven by Release 16 of BT Syntegra’s ITS operating and administrative software. In addition BT Syntegra will also be installing two ITS p31 telephony switches, a PABX from Nortel and a voice recorder from NICE. China Merchant Bank will also use ITSprofile, part of BT Syntegra’s ITS Management Suite, to enable configuration, download and free-seating management by multiple administrators direct from the trading floor or on a remote basis.
“The sale of ITS.Netrix to China Merchant Bank reflects the growing interest we are seeing in China today in the latest voice trading technology,” says Dan Moran, general manager North East Asia, BT Syntegra. “China Merchant Bank chose BT Syntegra’s technology as they know it will allow them to keep pace with the rapid developments in the financial markets and allow them to expand their technology investment and operations as required.”