The value of the securities in custody with the Swiss CSD and ICSD SIS Sega Intersettle has passed CHF 3 trillion. At the end of last year, it hit a new record high of CHF 3,009 billion . SIS says the record value is due to the acquisition of new clients, the transfer of additional assets to SIS SegaInterSettle by existing clients – including from rival ICSDs – as well as rising stock market valuations.
The deposit value of CHF 3,009 billion consists of CHF 2,476 billion (82.3%) of Swiss market asssets and CHF 533 billion (17.7%) of international assets.
Compared year-on-year, the total value of securities held in custody at SIS increased by over 20% from CHF 2,504 billlion at 31 December 2005, of which CHF 2,061 billion was Swiss and CHF 443 billion international.
“This record deposit value is gratifying not only in quantitative terms,” says Robert Rickenbacher, CEO of SIS SegaInterSettle. “It is also a clear evidence of the high level of trust which our clients place in us. It has been shown that the forward strategy of SIS SegaInterSettle pays off. It goes without saying that we also benefit from the continued favourable stock market situation.”