Drake Management LLC, a New York-based global fixed income manager, has appointed Chunli Hou as an Executive Vice President in Drake’s Tokyo branch office.
Hou will be primarily responsible for maintaining relations with clients and prospective investors in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and mainland China. He joins Richard Horodeck, the branch’s President, and Kenji Yamauchi, Executive Vice President for Japan, who relocated from Drake’s New York headquarters to Tokyo with the opening of the branch. Takako Funada, the team’s fourth member, will remain based in New York.
Prior to joining Drake, Hou served as President of Taiwan-based Prudence International Advisory Ltd. While at Prudence, he also taught Mathematical Finance as an Adjunct Professor at National Chiao Tung University. Before joining Prudence, he served as a Vice President of Nomura Funds Research and Technologies America, Nomura’s New York-based fund of hedge funds arm, where he supervised manager research and selection and was a member of the investment committee of the firm’s flagship Nomura Multi-Strategy Fund.
He holds a bachelor of science degree in Mathematics from National Central University in Taiwan, and masters and doctoral degrees in Statistics from Columbia University in New York, where he specialized in Mathematical Finance.