ASG Software Solutions Along With HSBC Become Co-Winners Of The Data Warehousing Institute’s Best Practice Award

Enterprise software firm ASG Software Solutions has been named Co Winner of The Data Warehousing Institutes Best Practice Award in the category of Data Governance along with HSBC. ASG Software Solutions and HSBC applied for the award together, and ASG

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Enterprise software firm ASG Software Solutions has been named Co-Winner of The Data Warehousing Institutes Best Practice Award in the category of Data Governance along with HSBC.

ASG Software Solutions and HSBC applied for the award together, and ASG is a solution sponsor of the HSBC nomination. Their submission focused on the improvements and business benefits that HSBC has realised with its ASG-Rochade implementation.

The Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI) is the premier provider of in-depth, high-quality education and training in business intelligence (BI) and data warehousing (DW). Its annual Best Practices Awards program is designed to identify and honour companies that have demonstrated excellence in developing, deploying, and maintaining BI and DW applications.

“As business intelligence continues to evolve, it becomes more and more imperative that BI/DW practioners share best practices and lessons learned with the industry,” says Richard Zbylut, general manager of TDWI. “By recognising and honouring these innovative implementations through the Best Practices Awards program, we hope to provide a platform that fosters information sharing and ultimately the advancement of the business intelligence industry.”

Best Practices Awards winners will be honoured at the TDWI World Conference in San Diego in August. Representatives of each company, along with their solution sponsors, will receive their awards and be available to discuss their winning implementations with attendees.
