Wednesday @ Sibos: What To Do

Global Custodian recommends sessions at Sibos for Wednesday, September 21
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Recommended Sessions

Securities regulation: How to turn threats into opportunities09:30 – 10:30Conference room 3

A discussion on the impact new securities legislations, brought about in response to the financial crisis, have across the globe.

Big Issue Debate 2: Back to Business: Wheres the growth in 2012 and beyond?11:00 – 12:15Plenary room

Mary Thompson, a journalist for CNBC, moderates a debate about where future growth opportunities lie. Panelists include John E. Coverdale, group general manager and head of Global Transaction Banking for HSBC Holdings plc; Tim Keaney, vice chairman and CEO of Asset Servicing at BNY Mellon; M.D. Mallya, chairman and managing director at Bank of Baroda; Paul Simpson, head of Global Transaction Services for Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

The North American example: What can the worlds securities markets learn from the experiences of the US and Canada?14:00 – 15:00Conference room 3

As the landscape changes and the impact of consolidation is yet to play out, are there lessons that market infrastructures and buy- and sell-side firms can learn from the North American experience? Five panelists discuss what can be learned from North America.
