Wall Street Systems Connects To Markit For Credit Trading

Wall Street Systems announced it has integrated Markit Group Limited's (Markit) Credit Default Swap (CDS) and Corporate Bond price data together with Markit RED (Reference Entity Database) for reference entities and obligations within The Wall Street System. The combined solution

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Wall Street Systems announced it has integrated Markit Group Limited’s (Markit) Credit Default Swap (CDS) and Corporate Bond price data together with Markit RED (Reference Entity Database) for reference entities and obligations within The Wall Street System. The combined solution aims to enable clients of Markit and WSS to utilize an enhanced credit trading and risk management solution.

Larry Ng, managing director of product and marketing at Wall Street Systems said, “This new offering is a major advance in the ability to manage complex products and their inherent risk. We are pleased to be working with Markit, the industry standard for reference entity and reference obligation identifiers used throughout the credit derivatives marketplace today. Our clients will benefit from a comprehensive view of complete and accessible data which increases trading efficiency and reduces risk and complexity for trade processing.”

Mark Hunt, Director, Product Development at Markit said, “The dramatic growth and ever-changing landscape of the credit markets means that customers demand integrated access to quality data within mission-critical systems to better support the key trading, risk and operational processes required by business today. The combination of Wall Street Systems’ proven cross-asset, front to back office solution architecture and Markit’s mark-to-market price and reference entity data will bring significant added value to our mutual customers.”
