B.I.S.S. Research, the London-based company that bencmarks IT systems used in the securities markets, says that Vermeg has become the first vendor to agree to participate in its 2007 Corporate Actions Benchmarking exercise.
“Vermeg were unable to enter the 2006 B.I.S.S. Benchmarking due to the extensive new enhancements of their system, so we are delighted that they are the first vendor to enter in 2007,” says Gary Wright, C.E.O., B.I.S.S. Research. “Vermeg have always scored highly with the benchmarking panel of industry experts in the past, achieving the B.I.S.S. Accreditation and it will be very interesting to see how their new system measures up in 2007. Last year’s B.I.S.S. report again sold worldwide demonstrating its value to financial services firms globally, as the only truly independent verification of Corporate Actions systems functionality. We anticipate that this year’s B.I.S.S Corporate Actions benchmarking will attract all the leading vendors to once again apply for the B.I.S.S. Accreditation. Announcements of other vendors joining the BISS CA 2007 benchmarking are imminent.”
Christian Cure, Vermeg’s EVP, Sales, says he is pleased to enter the firm’s MEGACOR Corporate Actions system into the B.I.S.S. benchmarking test. “During last year we completed the migration of the solution to the latest JAVA J2EE technology, significantly increasing its scale ability and interoperability and we already have several live client installations of this release,” he says. “We know from both our clients and prospects that the annual B.I.S.S. report is playing an ever greater role in their evaluation of potential suppliers: it is perceived as a stringent assessment and benchmarking of the few key players in this arena. We are confident that our enhanced MEGACOR solution will perform extremely well in this year’s evaluation.”