UBS Fund Services has developed a new front- and middle-office solution for hedge fund managers in collaboration with SunGard’s Hedge 360 and HazelTree.
The solution, UBS Frontier Platform, leverages the technology of Hedge 360, which provides support such as portfolio management and risk management for the whole investment lifecycle, and HazelTree, which provides treasury management for fund managers.
“It’s a marriage of technology and the services that UBS can provide,” says Dae Kim, global head of Hedge360.
The platform will be offered in the Americas, APAC and Europe, and it provides extended portfolio management, real-time P&L, desk level risk, treasury cash and collateral management solutions, trade administration, data management, pricing and reporting. The solution can either be utilized as a whole or purchased as individual components, either as a software solution or as a managed service.
The solution is targeted primarily at emerging managers, who use the solution as an all-in-one service for starting a fund, rather than buying individual components from various vendors, and for mid-tier mangers, who need a platform to manage the new demands of reporting and necessity of data.
“The real revolutionary aspect of this is UBS coming forward and creating a whole next generation of fund administration services with SunGard and HazelTree. Hedge funds typically relied on fund administrators to stay in the background…What UBS is doing here is bringing technology to the forefront and bringing fund administration to the desktop of hedge fund themselves, allowing them to operate in an efficient manner and find performance,” says Michael Rucci, head of UBS Fund Services, Americas.
UBS Launches Hedge Fund Platform with SunGard and HazelTree
UBS Fund Services has developed a new front- and middle-office solution for hedge fund managers in collaboration with SunGard's Hedge 360 and HazelTree.