Inter-dealer broker Tullett Prebon Information has launched a consolidated data
feed, which consolidates pre- and post-trade market data for the interest rate swaps
(IRS) market.
“With SEFs publishing trades on designated repositories, firms need ways to access
this information and plug it into their own analytics and trading activities,” said
Frank Desmond, managing director at Tullett Prebon Information. “The problem is,
in its raw form, swap data repository (SDR) data is not always sufficient or even
easy to digest. By standardising it and adding in our own indicative feed, firms have
access to an in-depth market view from a service they already rely upon and trust.”
The new offering aggregates the pre-trade data, which is sourced internally,
and post-trade data, which it sources from the Depository Trust & Clearing
Corporation’s (DTCC’s) SDR. According to Tullett Prebon, users can distinguish
between the vendor’s proprietary indicative data and the SDR data by their separate
Users can access the data, which includes coverage of IRS fixed/float, overnight
indexed swaps and basis swaps across all major currencies, in a real-time, intraday
or end-of-day environment via Tullett Prebon Information’s proprietary SURF data
The vendor also says it plan to integrate data from other SDRs in the future.
Currently the CME Group and Bloomberg, which registered its SDR in May, are the
only two SDRs that are waiting for provisional registration by the Commodity
Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), along with the DTCC.
Tullett Prebon Debuts Pre- and Post-trade Feed for Rates Swaps
Inter-dealer broker Tullett Prebon Information has launched a consolidated data feed, which consolidates pre- and post-trade
market data for the interest rate swaps (IRS) market, firm officials announced.
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