Tradegate Exchange hit new record figures in 2010. A total of more than 3.2 million transactions in equities, funds, ETFs and bonds were concluded last year. This corresponds to 33 percent growth year-on-year (2009: 2.4 million trades).
The trading volume of equity transactions rose by 62 percent in 2010 from EUR 10.5 billion to almost EUR 17 billion. With 3.1 million equity transactions in 2010 (2009: 2.3 million), Tradegate Exchange reached a market share among German trading floors of 34 percent, a growth of 3 percent over 2009.
Tradegate Exchange has operated as a regulated stock exchange since January 2010. The newest German regional stock exchange sees the last year’s results as a clear sign of approval from private investors, “Most of our traders are well-informed private investors who choose Tradegate personally. In 2011 we expect more orders from clients who ask their bank to select the best trading venue,” said Jochen Thiel, managing director of Tradegate Exchange GmbH. Several banks and savings banks have integrated Tradegate Exchange into their Best Execution Policies, choosing it as the best execution venue for their private clients’ securities transactions.