TMX Group's ETF Portal Reveals Canadian Investing World

Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) providers join officials from TMX Group to open trading on Toronto Stock Exchange in celebration of the launch of a new ETF information portal on is TMX Group's comprehensive financial information website the new

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Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) providers join officials from TMX Group to open trading on Toronto Stock Exchange in celebration of the launch of a new ETF information portal on is TMX Group’s comprehensive financial information website; the new portal provides in-depth information on ETFs, including basic education, trading strategies and resources for investors and stakeholders.

There are currently 90 Exchange Traded Products (ETFs and Exchange Traded Notes) listed on Toronto Stock Exchange.

The new portal is available on, under the section “Sectors & ETFs”.

“ETFs have become an increasingly popular method of investing,” says Eric Sinclair, senior vice president, TMX Datalinx. “Our new ETF portal is designed to provide easy access to a wealth of ETF facts, data and insight for the Canadian investing public.”

