Deutsche Brse has further expanded its XTF segment for international exchange-traded index funds (ETFs) on the electronic trading platform Xetra. Since Wednesday 30 August, three more exchange-traded funds issued by Lyxor Asset Management have been tradable in XTF. The new index funds offer investors a low-cost and flexible way to participate in the performance of various international equity markets.
The three new index funds track MSCI indices covering global and US equities and equities from the Asia-Pacific region. Lyxor ETF MSCI World (ISIN: FR0010315770) is based on the MSCI World price index, which currently comprises around 1,500 equities from 23 countries, and allows an investment in the world’s biggest equities with a single transaction.
Lyxor ETF MSCI AC Asia-Pacific ex Japan (ISIN: FR0010312124) allows investors to invest in some 680 companies from the Asia-Pacific region, and thus in countries such as Australia, South Korea, Taiwan, and China.
Lyxor ETF MSCI USA (ISIN: FR0010296061) is based on the MSCI USA index, which is free-float adjusted and weighted according to market capitalization, and currently includes around 640 US companies.
A total of 141 index funds are currently listed in Deutsche Brse’s XTF segment, 64 of which were included in the segment since the beginning of 2006. Deutsche Brse’s XTF segment accounts for around 50% of total European trading volume in exchange-traded funds. XTF also offers the most extensive range of listed ETFs of all European stock exchanges, and is Europe’s leading marketplace for trading ETFs.