Thomson To Distribute Money Market Prices From Tullett Prebon

Thomson Financial will offer foreign exchange and money market prices generated by inter dealer broker Tullett Prebon across Thomson ONE and Thomson Datastream. "Our decision to invest in and enrich our foreign exchange and money market content offering was in

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Thomson Financial will offer foreign exchange and money market prices generated by inter-dealer broker Tullett Prebon across Thomson ONE and Thomson Datastream.

“Our decision to invest in and enrich our foreign exchange and money market content offering was in direct response to client feedback,” says Matthew Burkley, SVP Strategy, News & Datafeeds, Thomson Financial. “We are pleased to have signed this enterprise agreement with Tullett Prebon, which has itself attained multiple awards in this space. Rather than simply embed this key content in Thomson Financial’s solutions, we have developed superior display templates that will help our clients further differentiate themselves in the market.”

Henry Ann, Head of Information Sales, Tullett Prebon Information, says the distribution deal with Thomson will “dramatically increase the reach and value of our content and will offer clients a market-leading solution. The agreement is in line with our objective to become the first choice global source of independent OTC information.”

Thomson Financial and Tullett Prebon Information have jointly invested in the design of new templates for the pricing pages of Thomson ONE and Thomson Datastream to display the data. The templates allow for the display of multi-instrument and multi-currency content on the same page, which can be customized to suit the user’s needs.

The pages will display Spot FX and Crosses; Forwards; Cash Deposits; FX Options; Non Deliverable Forwards; and Regional Currency Fixings.
