Thomson Reuters launches Reuters Messaging (RM) Interchange, which for the first time allows Enterprise Instant Messaging (EIM) users to connect and communicate with colleagues and counterparts by using one link regardless of corporate or technology boundaries, as with email or telephone interaction.
RM Interchange is the first global instant messaging hub that connects Thomson Reuters RM with the EIM systems – Cisco’s Jabber XCP, IBM Lotus’ Sametime and Microsoft’s LCS/OCS. Users of these systems can now connect with over 5,000 external organisations and add their business contacts to a global external community.
Unlike existing federation gateways, RM Interchange is the first to enable businesses worldwide to federate without the need to establish individual links between them. To interconnect hundreds or thousands of different instant messaging customers can be a time consuming venture for an organisation’s IT department.
With the RM Interchange service, businesses can now reach over IM a multitude of other companies with a single link. RM Interchange offers carrier-grade connectivity for IM across the corporate community, delivering a secure and reliable hub for businesses across all sectors, including finance, legal and healthcare.
Customers connecting to RM Interchange are also automatically connected to the Reuters Messaging community including over 130,000 end-users in 5,000 firms worldwide, and will be listed on the inter-company community directory enabling users to quickly find counterparts.
“Over the last few years IM has matured and become the nerve system of many financial institutions to conduct business decisions, progressively replacing email,” says David Gurle, global head of Collaboration Services, Thomson Reuters. “However, corporate IM deployments have not yet fully used their potential to enable their users to reach their counterparts and customers in other organisations.”
“This has now been addressed with the launch of RM Interchange,” continues David Gurle. “Users across the enterprise will now benefit not only from instant communication with colleagues and external contacts but from the safety of comprehensive security and compliance functionality, therefore truly tapping the full potential of IM within the corporate domain.”