TASS-HedgeWorld Enter Internet Data Distribution Alliance

Hedgeworld.com will contain much more detailed information on hedge funds to paying subscribers. These quarterly reports will include information on specific fund inflows and outflows and TASS's analysis on trends. TASS, a division of hedge fund advisor Tremont Adviser, currently

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Hedgeworld.com will contain much more detailed information on hedge funds to paying subscribers. These quarterly reports will include information on specific fund inflows and outflows and TASS’s analysis on trends.

TASS, a division of hedge fund advisor Tremont Adviser, currently maintains a database of 2,800 different hedge funds, which TASS estimates represents half of all global hedge funds. Previously, quarterly reports were offered for free, but rising cost due to increasing requests have lead TASS to determine that investors would be willing to pay for the same information.

Tremont will continue to use the data in constructing hedge fund portfolios for its advisory clients, and to calculate indices published in coordination with Credit Suisse First Boston.
