Systar Launches Business Activity Monitoring Application

Systar, the provider of Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) applications, has launched its BusinessBridge application to allow users to improve real time awareness of their activities by spanning IT and business silos to provide end to end visibility of key processes.

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Systar, the provider of Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) applications, has launched its BusinessBridge application to allow users to improve real-time awareness of their activities by spanning IT and business silos to provide end-to-end visibility of key processes.

“The complexity of investment banking processes and the ever-growing volumes, combined with the high penalties attached to failure all mean that BAM can bring tremendous benefits and cost savings,” says Jonny Cheetham, the Sales Director of Systar UK. “Simple BAM applications can be deployed rapidly as business needs change to immediately prioritise potential issues affecting performance across key processes.”
