DSTi’s Investment Data Platform on Oracle has been implemented at Swiss Re Asset Management. Swiss Re chose DSTi’s specialist asset management technology to build an investment data hub to reduce the existing complex data architecture.
“The former landscape of asset management was complicated, with multiple point-to-point connections that led to duplication of effort, reconciliation needs, and complex tasks when upgrading systems,” said Heinz Burla, IT business partner at Swiss Re Asset Management. “We selected DSTi’s Investment Data Platform to act as a data hub to provide a cohesive solution through a single store of investment information.”
DSTi’s European Sales Director, Hugh Evans, said: “We have worked closely with Swiss Re Asset Management to deliver a solution to link seamlessly to their existing systems and to enable their business applications globally to integrate with and use the data hub. Our Investment Data Platform was developed specifically to meet the needs of the asset management industry and is both scalable and flexible.”