Swiss CSD And Banks Axe Physical Tax Declarations For Swiss Investment Funds

The Swiss central securities depository SIS SegaInterSettle AG (SIS) has worked with the major banks in Switzerland and the Swiss Federal Tax Administration (FTA) to create a SWIFT based solution for replacing the physical Bank Declaration (Affidavit) for Swiss investment

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The Swiss central securities depository SIS SegaInterSettle AG (SIS) has worked with the major banks in Switzerland and the Swiss Federal Tax Administration (FTA) to create a SWIFT-based solution for replacing the physical Bank Declaration (Affidavit) for Swiss investment funds.

This solution became effective from 1 July. In cases where 80 % or more of the profit of a Swiss investment fund is generated outside Switzerland, foreign investors may be exempted from the withholding tax, if an Affidavit has been completed and returned to the custodian bank.
