SunGard Ranked 'Positively' In BDWM Systems MarketScope Report

SunGard has received a Positive rating in Gartners MarketScope for Broker Desktop Wealth Management Systems, North America and Europe i . Gartner rated the overall market as Promising. Broker desktop wealth management (BDWM) solutions help financial firms effectively deliver services

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SunGard has received a Positive rating in Gartners MarketScope for Broker Desktop/Wealth Management Systems, North America and Europe[i]. Gartner rated the overall market as Promising.

Broker desktop/wealth management (BDWM) solutions help financial firms effectively deliver services to affluent and high-net-worth clients. Gartners MarketScope report reviews current vendor offerings in this space in Europe and North America. Vendors were evaluated on their degree of market understanding, marketing strategy, offering (product) strategy, innovation, product/service, overall viability and customer experience. As financial advisors compete to serve affluent and high net worth clients, and with an ever-expanding range of financial service providers focused on wealth management, BDWM solutions must cover a wide range of processes and capabilities.

Financial advisors face a tough challenge in meeting a wide range of client and organization needs throughout the relationship life cycle, says David Schehr, research director, Gartner, Inc.. The consolidated BDWM workstation has become a key tool to enable advisors to execute this range of activities effectively.

Our growing base of customers is already reaping the benefits of SunGards wealth management functionality around financial planning, trading, client management and portfolio management as well as online client tools available in a software-as-a-service environment, says Blaine Maxfield, chief operating officer of SunGards wealth management business. SunGards focus on incorporating trading and client facing applications into WealthStation continues to help advisors enhance their productivity and strengthen client relationships. We believe Gartners Positive rating confirms SunGards position in the industry and our commitment to providing customers with wealth management technology solutions that meet their unique challenges.

