State Street Sponsors Oxfam Trailwalker Event For Ninth Year

State Street Corporation is to be the principal sponsor of Trailwalker UK 2007 for the second consecutive year. Trailwalker is a 100 kilometre endurance event across the South Downs of England, run by Oxfam and the Queens Gurkha Signals to

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State Street Corporation is to be the principal sponsor of Trailwalker UK 2007 for the second consecutive year. Trailwalker is a 100-kilometre endurance event across the South Downs of England, run by Oxfam and the Queens Gurkha Signals to raise funds for Oxfam and the Gurkha Welfare Trust (GWT). This year’s event takes place on 14-15 July.

Applications must reach Oxfam by April 5, and they will take applications by phone or via the Oxfam website.

State Street is a long-time supporter of Oxfam Trailwalker and is in its ninth year of sponsorship of Oxfam Trailwalker Hong Kong. The company also serves as the principal sponsor of Oxfam Trailwalker events in Tokyo, Sydney and Melbourne.

More than 2,000 participants, including State Street employees and customers, are anticipated for this year’s Trailwalker UK. Proceeds from the event will directly benefit Oxfam Great Britain and the GWT. Oxfam works to end poverty and suffering in the UK and around the world while the GWT provides financial, medical and community aid to alleviate hardship among Gurkha communities in Nepal.

“At State Street, we are deeply rooted in the local communities in which we live and work,” says Peter O’Neill, the executive vice president for State Street in the UK. “We support Oxfam’s work in bringing relief to the underprivileged both here in the UK and globally.”
