Societe Generale Prime Services has hired Richard Ryan as a director for its U.S. capital introduction team from Jefferies.
Based in New York he will report to Dan Rizzuto, head of U.S. capital introductions.
Ryan rejoins the unit after leaving, what was then Newedge, in 2013. He was previously a vice president in Jefferies Institutional Futures Prime Services division.
Earlier this year, Jefferies sold the majority of its Bache futures business to Societe Generale. The hiring of Ryan reflects the transfer of client accounts and personnel from Jefferies to the French bank.
Capital introduction services are an important role for prime brokerages, linking newly launched hedge funds to pension fund managers and insurers.
Soc Gen Hires Ryan from Jefferies in U.S. Cap Intro Boost
Societe Generale Prime Services has hired Richard Ryan as a director for its U.S. capital introduction team from Jefferies.