SunGard says St. Louis, Missouri-based retail broker Smith, Moore & Company has signed a multi-year contract to continue using SunGard’s Phase3 for securities processing. In addition, Smith, Moore has added its Jefferson City brokerage operations onto Phase3. The firm has also added Phase3’s Report Viewer and real-time Replication Services, and SunGard Output Solutions for customized statement services, to further streamline operations in an integrated environment.
“Smith, Moore has reinvented itself for continuous growth in recent years, and part of that reinvention includes SunGard solutions for reliably optimizing our securities processing operations,” says James Deutsch, president and chief executive officer of Smith, Moore & Company. “Over the next 5 years, our goal is to double our assets under management and our sales force in response to anticipated growth due to the enhancements we’ve made, and continue to make, to our services and to our operations.”
A Phase3 customer since May 2000, Smith, Moore uses the system to process U.S. equities, fixed income instruments, mutual funds, individual retirements accounts (IRAs), options, and unit investment trusts (UITs) in real-time on a single database. Smith, Moore will use Phase3’s real-time Replication Services to replicate account activity, balances, positions, and profit and loss information in real-time from Phase3 to broker front-office systems and to customers accessing their account information via the Web. Phase3’s integrated Report Viewer eliminates the firm’s reliance on microfiche for report storage and streamlines processes by enabling reports to be viewed, stored and archived online. SunGard Output Solutions will provide Smith, Moore with its Document Output services, which is integrated with Phase3 to generate customer statements.
“Phase3 is a complete books and records system that effectively handles the entire range of asset classes on a single database,” says Deutsch. “SunGard’s first-rate customer service and expertise in brokerage operations provides us with the sophistication we need to grow and succeed.”
Gerard Murphy, president of SunGard Securities Processing’s Phase3 unit, said, “We are encouraged by Smith, Moore’s signing on for another multi-year term. We appreciate their business and look forward to continuing to provide Smith, Moore with the tools to be a successful, full-service retail brokerage provider.”