London-based software firm SmartStream has clearly overcome its doubts about the B.I.S.S benchmarking process operated by CityCompass Research, and agreed to enter its corporate actions system into the assessment for a second year running. (See <a href=”″>”Two Years On Smartstream Flounces Back Into City Compass Corporate Actions System Benchmarking Exercise”</a>)
Steve Miller, Senior Product Manager, SmartStream Technologies says the firm is “delighted” to take part again. “Our results were very positive last year and we are looking to improve on them even further this year,” he adds. “In the past 12 months we have made a number of improvements to ensure that TLM Corporate Actions supports the complete event management lifecycle and provides a single scalable application that delivers control and accountability to all parties. Implementations in every major time zone prove the solution’s global capability and we believe that it remains significantly ahead of the competition.”
Gary Wright, Managing Director, CityCompass Research, said he “heartily welcomed” SmartStream into the 2006 benchmarking. “SmartStream could only partially enter the process in 2005 due to the extensive development of their new product,” he added. “Nonetheless their product performed extremely well last year and we expect their system will be even better this year and the B.I.S.S. benchmarking will showcase their development efforts perfectly”