Simplify Launches Form PF Reporting Solution on PortfolioCentriX Platform

Simplify LLC, which provides investment and risk software, has launched a Form PF data collection and reporting capability on its cloud-based PortfolioCentriX fund administration platform.
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Simplify LLC, which provides investment and risk software, has launched a Form PF data collection and reporting capability on its cloud-based PortfolioCentriX fund administration platform.

The solution can be used by current fund administration clients, as well as on a stand-alone basis by funds that use third-party administrators or an in-house process.

Form PF is the new reporting requirement that applies to investment advisers to hedge funds, private equity funds and other private funds that meet certain asset thresholds, whereby investment advisers will be required to report information on a quarterly or annual basis for use by the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) as it seeks to monitor systemic risk to the U.S. economy.

“Our solution merges Form PF exposure detail with our already best-in-class portfolio management, due diligence and risk analytics, presenting clients with the most complete profile for review across all their private fund holdings, says Tarryn Valle, senior vice president of Simplify. Simplify personnel can also assist in the process by collecting and enriching the data in PortfolioCentriX thus saving significant time and effort for our institutional clients.”

Brian Shapiro, president of Simplify, predicts that as managers grow accustomed to filing Form PF it will soon become the standard for reporting risk exposure to investors. “Finally, the days of cutting and pasting from email, PDF and spreadsheets will be over,” he says.

