SIA-SSB Group Releases Annual 2008 Report

The ordinary general meeting of SIA SSB shareholders, convened yesterday with Carlo Tresoldi as Chairman, approved the Annual Report at 31st December 2008. The Group made up of the parent company SIA SSB, GBC, Kedrios, Perago, RA Computer, SiNSYS and

By None

The ordinary general meeting of SIA-SSB shareholders, convened yesterday with Carlo Tresoldi as Chairman, approved the Annual Report at 31st December 2008.

The Group – made up of the parent company SIA-SSB, GBC, Kedrios, Perago, RA Computer, SiNSYS and TSP – closed the year 2008 showing stable revenues and value of production compared to the previous financial year and a strong growth in pre-tax profits and net profit.

The 2008 financial year – the first complete year following the merger between SIA S.p.A. (Societ Interbancaria per l’Automazione) and SSB S.p.A. (Societ per i Servizi Bancari) in May 2007 – was characterized by the continuing integration and rationalization activities aimed at improving corporate efficiency, and by the ever greater internationalization of the company thanks to a strong business expansion drive, especially in foreign markets.

