SGSS Launches AIFMD Reporting Package

Societe Generale Securities Services (SGSS) has launched an Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) reporting package with three different levels of service for asset managers and their funds.
By Jake Safane(2147484770)
Societe Generale Securities Services (SGSS) has launched an Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) reporting package with three different levels of service for asset managers and their funds.

The first option of the reporting package is Basic Fund Reports, in which SGSS manages the compilation of internal data, and he asset manager remains responsible for completing these reports and filing them with local regulators.

The second option is Complete Fund Reports, in which both SGSS and the asset management company collect and consolidate data. SGSS then prepares AIFMD compliant reports for client validation, files them with the local regulators in the countries where the funds are either managed or promoted and deals with any requests from regulators concerning the reports.

The third option is a fully outsourced one, Complete Fund and Asset Management Company Reports. This option involves data consolidation from third parties, such as the fund administrator if this is not SGSS, and the preparation of AIFMD compliant reports for the full range of funds and a consolidated report for the asset management company. The asset management company then validates the consolidated report before SGSS files it with the local regulators in the countries where the funds are either managed or promoted. SGSS then deals with any requests from the regulator concerning these reports.
