S&P Software Index Unveils Its Investing Opportunities To Ebix

Standard and Poor's has added Ebix, Inc. to their SmallCap 600 GICS Application Software Sub Industry Index. Ebix, Inc. is an international developer and supplier of software and e commerce applications to the insurance industry. As an addition to the

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Standard and Poor’s has added Ebix, Inc. to their SmallCap 600 GICS Application Software Sub-Industry Index.

Ebix, Inc. is an international developer and supplier of software and e-commerce applications to the insurance industry.

As an addition to the Standard and Poor’s indices, Ebix, which is headquartered in Atlanta, GA, will now be part of large investor index. Standard and Poor’s indices facilitate a wide range of both investable and benchmark indices which in turn yield to fulfilling investor needs.

Standard and Poor’s indices are vastly utilized by institutional investors and investment managers alike in researching index funds and in perfecting both passive and active investment strategies.

