The Romanian government announced its intention to resign Thursday, in order to open the way to early elections, after the Romania’s Constitutional Court blocked the justice reform Wednesday by declaring parts of the law on justice reform unconstitutional.
President Traian Basescu will have to name an interim prime minister after receiving the resignation of the Prime Minister, according to a news statement from RZB Bank.
If the new government fails to get the parliamentary support within two votes, the President will call new elections this year, in September or October. The parliamentary and presidential elections held at the end of 2004 led to a weak parliament majority of D.A. alliance (the National Liberal Party and the Democrat Party) with support from the Hungarian Democratic Union, the Conservative Party and the minorities’ representatives.
Juergen Sattler, spokesman for RZB in Romania, said in a statement, the early elections have repeatedly been brought into discussion by the D.A. alliance and the President due to the improved results of the alliance in polls compared to the 2004 elections (according to IMAS poll 54.8 percent of vote intentions in June 2005, compared to 34.3% in parliamentary elections) and the need to strengthen the D.A. alliance’s majority in Parliament.