RiskMetrics Appoints Christopher Finger To Lead New Geneva Office

RiskMetrics Group has opened a ninth office in Geneva. The office is led by Christopher Finger, head of Research, Europe and a veteran of the company who has been part of the firm's New York based management team since inception.

By None

RiskMetrics Group has opened a ninth office in Geneva.

The office is led by Christopher Finger, head of Research, Europe and a veteran of the company who has been part of the firm’s New York-based management team since inception. About the decision to establish a presence in Geneva, Finger commented: “Our goals in establishing the Geneva office are to expand our research capabilities and facilitate more interaction with our European clients. Given its rich talent pool, attractive business climate and central location, Geneva was the perfect spot.”

Initially staffed by a team of analytics developers and researchers, the Geneva office will ultimately become home to a full-service staff that will include sales, account management and operations personnel. The office is located in the Geneva Business Center, Avenue des Morgines 12, 1213 Petit-Lancy.

Philippe Meyer, representative of the Geneva Economic Development Office, said, “We are glad to welcome RiskMetrics Group, a young and dynamic company, certainly one of the key players of the future. Its presence represents an important asset for our region as a major location for such sectors as private asset management and trade finance. RiskMetrics Group will contribute to reinforce these activities. We will provide all necessary assistance in order to facilitate its integration into the local economic community.”
