Washington Asset Management, the New York-based hedge fund manager, has appointed Richard Turnure to be Senior Investment Analyst / Portfolio Manager.
Washington Asset Management is the investor adviser to the Platinum Washington Fund.
Turnure, formerly of Ridgecrest Partners and Chelsey Capital, two New York based hedge fund managers, will be based in the firm’s New York office and have overall responsibility for company research, management and trading for the Washington US Fund Ltd / Platinum Washington Fund Ltd.
Turnure has over 8 years experience managing long / short portfolios.
At Chelsey Capital LLC his responsibilities covered a $300m long / short US domestic hedge fund, while at Ridgecrest Partners LLC, he was senior analyst for a $700m long / short fund.
Platinum Washington Fund Ltd and Platinum Washington Fund LP are a joint venture between Washington Asset Management and the London-based international financial investment group, Platinum Capital Management.