Reuters has launched a news service targeting investors and financial professionals interested in the Gulf Region, where the wire service sees a growing demand for financial news.
“Reuters is uniquely well placed to serve Gulf investors because it is the only news company with a long-established network of high quality journalists across the region,” said Michael Stott, Reuters global head of national news services.
Reuters Gulf Financial News Service will offer stories in English about the companies, markets, economies and regulatory climate in Saudi Arabia – one of the world’s top 25 equities markets by market capitalization – the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman and Qatar.
Stories will range from interviews with managers of the rapidly expanding funds in the region to interviews with Gulf CEOs, stories about the fast-changing regulatory climate and developments in the local financial industry.
Gulf Financial News is available on all Reuters financial desktop products, as well as to media clients and is edited from Reuters Gulf hub in Dubai. Reuters will also integrate Arabic language coverage from its Arabic News Service.