Reuters Trade and Risk Management division says it has signed up eight clients for its Kondor+ platform.
The Kondor+ platform includes applications running from pre-trade analytics, through risk management and compliance reporting, to post-trade settlement. It covers the full range of financial instruments from bonds and equities to exotic derivatives and structured products.
The eight new clients are:
•Montepio, a commercial bank in Portugal.
•Gruppo Banca Carige, an Italian bank that has opted for the Kondor+ front and middle office applications across all asset classes.
•FASTNET Luxembourg, the fund administrator owned by Crdit Agricole and Fortis, which has implemented Reuters Kondor+ to support its fund administration operations. FASTNET uses Kondor+ as a pricing tool to manage the increasing volumes of interest and credit derivatives used within funds it administers.
•BCEE, Luxembourg’s state-owned bank, is a long term user of Kondor to support its cross-asset class trading activities, but has extended its implementation of Kondor+ to cover interest and liquidity risks.
•Banca Della Marche, an Italian regional bank, has chosen Kondor+ front to back office applications for its derivatives functionality and front to back workflow.
•Raiffeisen Landesbank Tirol AG, a regional banking group based in Austria, has adopted the Kondor+ front office application and is also implementing the middle office risk management solution.
•Raiffeisen Landesbank Steiermark in Austria has extended Kondor+ into its back office to improve trade processing and operational efficiencies.
•Raiffeisenlandesbank Niederosterreich-Wien AG, also based in Austria, has extended Kondor+ into its back office for FX/MM and derivatives.
“We are delighted to be working with these new banking customers and continue to develop our business in Europe, a key market for us,” says Andrew White, Reuters Global Head of Trade and Risk Management Solutions. “Kondor+ is now a straight through solution providing front to back office trade processing across a full range of asset classes, and we look forward to further enhancements with the new derivatives expertise brought through Kondor JRisk.”