Results of 2012 Global Custodian Tri-Party Securities Financing Survey Published

The results of our 12th annual survey, which aims to measure the services received by clients of tri-party securities financing, are published today.
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The results of our 12th annual survey, which aims to measure the services received by clients of tri-party securities financing, are published today.

Our survey seeks to measure the opinion of the clients of global custodian banks based on the issue of separate questionnaires to institutional investors (chiefly pension funds and insurance companies not managing funds directly) and fund managers (any entity managing funds directly, including insurers and pension funds, but mainly institutional and mutual fund managers).

The survey collected 243 authenticated responses, up from the 213 that we received last year. Based on the information gathered from these responses, we were able to rate five service providers for North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Globally.

Results are available here.
