Relegence Moves Into New Digs

Real time data provider Relegence has moved into new office space at Penn Plaza. Relegence's growing customer base, including recently signed CSFB, its increased suite of service offerings for the financial services professional, such as the recently launched ClientTrack, several

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Real-time data provider Relegence has moved into new office space at Penn Plaza.

Relegence’s growing customer base, including recently signed CSFB, its increased suite of service offerings for the financial services professional, such as the recently launched ClientTrack, several strategic partnerships, as well as prominent executive hires, have necessitated the move. The new office address is The Relegence Corporation, 2 Penn Plaza, Suite 1960, New York, NY 10121.

“Relegence’s expansion is on target,” says Steve Fadem, CEO, Relegence. “This move helps us to continue to develop, deploy and support unique real-time solutions in the financial marketplace. Expect to see more customer wins, partnerships, territory expansion, product news and key hires from us very soon.”
