R & M Consultants has recruited Liz Hill, formerly of PIMCO Europe and before that Salomon Brothers Investment Management, to manage global custody and other survey projects.
Richard Hogfslesh, founder and managing director of R & M Consultants, says that, coming from the fund management industry means Hill will bring a different perspective to R & M’s capabilities. “I have known R & M for some time as I have been on the receiving end of their surveys for a few years now,” says Hill. “It will be really interesting to be on the other side of the fence receiving the questionnaires rather than filling them out.”
“I think Liz will add hugely to the survey process, having as she does the perspective of a respondent,” says Hogsflesh. “We hope that will sharpen up our approach as anything we can do to make the surveys more user friendly has to be an advantage.”
Hill starts work on 1 November.
R & M Consultants is the trading name of R & M Surveys Ltd. – a market research business specialising in the fields of global custody, fund administration and fiduciary services.