Quadriserv and Sungard in Sec Lending Initiative

Quadriserv and SunGard have launched a joint initiative under which SunGards Loanet and Quadriservs AQS will integrate to provide securities lending transaction processing
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Quadriserv and SunGard have launched a joint initiative under which SunGards Loanet securities lending processing technology and Quadriservs AQS securities lending marketplace will integrate to provide transaction processing.

AQS is operated by Automated Equity Finance Markets, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Quadriserv.

The systems integration will provide Loanet customers with access to AQS, Quadriservs regulated centralized and transparent securities lending marketplace. Transactions matched on AQS are processed through The Options Clearing Corporation (OCC), which provides central counterparty guarantees and trading anonymity.

SunGards Loanet and AQS will continue to offer integrated initiatives in the coming months. These enhancements include further improvements to operational efficiencies and trade automation, and ultimately support for straight-through processing and multi-product integration.
