Prague Stock Exchange Launches Derivatives Trading

The Prague Stock Exchange will launch its derivatives trading segment on 5 October 2006. The first product the Prague Exchange will offer investors is PX index futures. "The launch date was selected after consultations with all the derivatives trading licence

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The Prague Stock Exchange will launch its derivatives trading segment on 5 October 2006. The first product the Prague Exchange will offer investors is PX index futures.

“The launch date was selected after consultations with all the derivatives trading licence holders. Technically, trading will be based on principles similar to those used in our elite SPAD segment, i.e. with the participation of the market makers,” says Petr Koblic, the Chairman of the Exchange Chamber and General Director of the Prague Stock Exchange. “The most demanding was the preparation of the system and its fine tuning with the Exchange members. Extending the original 2001 derivatives licence by the Czech National Bank in July 2006 represented also a very important step.”
